Monday, January 15, 2007

Rain and Pain

My part of the US is being deluged with rain. I wonder if an ark might not be in order soon! Weather has an interesting effect on us. My husband loves cold wet weather! It almost makes him giddy. He secretly prays for blizzards because he loves the challenge of possible power outages, access of food, and travel. I wonder at times if he wasn't born 200 years too late! I, on the other hand, and become less fond of cold wet weather. While we don't have the ice that has paralyzed much of the Midwest, we do have damp cold that penetrates my joints. My joints and muscles ache. I am already pretty weak because of arthritis, but this makes it much worse. When my environment causes more pain, I must think strategically and make arrangements to overcome it if I am still going to function.


At 3:25 PM, Blogger Julie of Maryland said...

Please refer to my comments on the previous, "It's Cold" blog. Thanks, I meant it for this one. Makes more sense. Sometimes Fibro brain lapse is just that:)


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