Sunday, November 26, 2006

Leaf Parachute

The leaves are almost completely gone from the trees now. A few beautiful colors of bright oranges, reds, and yellows still hang on, but for the most part, everything is bare and brown now. I walked on my favorite mountain trail yesterday, slogging through the leaf covered path. No one else was on the mountain with me and the quiet was intoxicating. Blasts of wind pelted me with cold air, then warm air, then cold again. Tenacious leaves from the very tops of the forrest trees spun down around me like festive parachutes. My heart beat hard and fast as I maintained a brisk pace uphill and down. At trail's end, a family stood looking over my city from the overlook. Five young children chased each other and piled leaves into a heap. The father grabbed his camera and had the children pose with their leafy mound. Then, they all counted 1 - 2 - 3!!!! And with that, the children threw armfuls of leaves into the air and the picture was taken. The colorful leafy parachutes settled back to the earth to play again with the autumn children. 1 - 2 - 3!!!!!!


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