Tuesday, October 31, 2006


This is a day that has had different meanings for me throughout my lifetime. When I was little, it was a day to dress up and get lots of candy and stay up late and be on a sugar high for weeks. As I enter my teenage years, it was a day whose dark meaning became something I delved into with as much excitement as that kid who wanted more candy. Into young adulthood and my Christian commitment, I feared it, kept my children from it, and felt strongly about not participating in any aspect of it at all. In my middle aged life - OLDER middle age - I've come to some conclusions. Kids dressing up and getting candy is fun, wonderful, and innocent. The evil of that is that kids will be hopped up on sugar and drive everyone around them crazy. There is a dark heritage that is real, and that darkness is not confined to one day, so I do not participate in dark spiritual practices. Tonight, my beautiful grandchild will come to my door dressed up as an airplane! I will open the door for him and all the other children who do the same. I will squeal with delight and wonder at these marvelous creatures of light that God will place at my doorstep, and I will thank God for the gift of children and innocence and imagination and sugar.


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