Monday, October 30, 2006

Time Change

Well, the manipulation of time has once again interfered with my internal clock. Sleep is so difficult for me and the time change throws my confused clock into more confusion. I don't understand why people have to mess with time. It makes exercise after work difficult because it's so dark, I feel exhausted at the end of my work day because the sun is going down and it feels much later than it is, and I can't get up any earlier to walk at the beginning of the day because I'm becoming less of a morning person as I age. I feel sorry for farmers and agricultural workers who have to get up earlier to use the sunlight to their advantage. Anyway, the time change twice a year is one of my pet peeves. I find it easier to recover from jetlag than the bi-annual time change.


At 3:56 PM, Blogger Julie of Maryland said...

Again I can relate with what you said with a fervent 'ditto.' Amazing how someone else can just say that they have noticed the differences and how others (like ourselves) are thrown for a loop.

I constantly struggle (as I age moreso--am your husband's age) to ADJUST to things like this.

It is good to know that I am not alone. There are probably good reasons for our demise.


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