Tuesday, October 17, 2006

No Place Like Home

"Home" is an interesting word, creating all kinds of images and feelings. It can be where you're from, where you're going, or where you hope to go. In my journey, I've discovered the place I most needed to be at home was in my own skin. That's taken quite a bit of adjusting for me. Something that used to be my disgusting enemy has now become my friend. I am learning to be kind to my home, to see its value, to care for it, and thank God for it. Home is where I live.


At 4:01 PM, Blogger Julie of Maryland said...

To be home in one's body is such a gift. It is one that I only have been acquainted with for a year. I finally laid down the survival tool of binge eating and became friends with my body moreso.

However, emotional upheavals are more frequent and tears/sorrows/grief evident. I guess this is a good thing really. Stuffed so much over a lifetime.


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