Friday, October 06, 2006

Bicycle Loops

I went bicycling yesterday. It's getting dark earlier now, so I began to run out of daylight. I'm by no means ready to really get out on the road, so I road around a one mile loop of a local park for six miles. Six times I went around the same loop and each time I passed the same house or street or lawn, I saw something different. The more familiar I became with the loop, the more of the passing scene I was able to absorb. I recognized the music playing at one house after the third pass. I remember the phone number of a house for sale after about four times. The dog who barked at me on the first loop evidently got bored with me by the fourth and stopped barking. I waved at the same walker for three loops and passed a runner all six times. At the end of my ride, it was almost dark and the whole landscape changed. A huge, bright white moon illuminated one end of the loop, low on the horizon. A glowing, orange sun illuminated the other end of the loop, also low on the horizon. The clashing of soft white with brilliant orange gave me just enough light and color to see my last mile in a whole new way.


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