Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Short Days

I hate how early the darkness comes during this time of year. It makes the days feel so incredibly long and seems to pull my energy out of me! I can't get up any earlier so I don't get as much bang for the daylight hour buck! Ugh. Maybe bears have it right - hibernate until spring! Oh well, God made me a person and another person invented electricity and another person invented the light bulb and someone else invented computers so I can still work inspite of the natural order! I'll just grab a cup of coffee and caffeine jolt myself into working under artificial light until the natural light returns.


At 4:12 PM, Blogger Julie of Maryland said...

Same thing happens to me. I tend to slide downhill every year around mid-November. Keep a stiff upper lip but fail every year.

Too bad this change to short days coincides with Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, my birthday, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. These are supposed to be energizing times. Not for me...rather downcast.

I guess it all has to do with the real Season Affective Disorder that I have and maybe you do have as well.


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