Thursday, April 26, 2007

Plano, TX

I returned last night from Plano, Texas (in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area) where I gave a presentation to the wonderful leadership of St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church. I stayed with one of my board members and was shown such kind and gracious hospitality by her and her husband. There were funnel clouds that tormented us just after the presentation and the plane ride home was remarkably bumpy (I was on a small commuter plane). I leave tomorrow for NYC to present a Beyond Abuse seminar at Brooklyn Tabernacle. The seminar will be from 9 am to 4 pm and held in the sanctuary. I believe there is a $5 registration fee to be paid at the door.

Flying out to Texas, my heart broke. I flew from our tiny airport in Hot Springs on a plane that held only a few people. A young man was on his way back to Iraq. He is National Guard and was home for a brief R & R. By the time he gets home, his tour will be about 15 months long. His wife's eyes were swollen from grief. His two children were toddlers. The sadness in his eyes took my breath away. We spoke briefly in Texas before going our separate ways. Me to present a seminar on abuse awareness. He to war where abuse is rampant.


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