Sunday, June 03, 2007


Well, I loathe cooking just about as much as a person can. I believed that God smiled upon me when microwave's were invented. Pavlov's dog might salivate when a bell is sounded, but my family learned that the sound of dinner being ready was marked by those annoying high pitched beeps and they responded accordingly.

My son's first attempt at cooking a pizza when he was in elementary school revealed a great deal about my culinary skills. He placed a frozen pizza on a plastic plate that I often cooked on in our microwave and proceeded to put it in the hot oven where it melted. He had no idea because I'm not sure he had ever really seen me bake anything. He did the best he could with the information he had. Oops!

Anyway, both of my adult children are excellent cooks - mostly because they are survivors of my legendary culinary catastrophes. Now, my husband and I are "empty nesters" and our microwave is the primary appliance used for disseminating food in a "prepared" form. It worked well for us until yesterday. Yesterday, the unthinkable happened. Our microwave broke!! It makes noise, the light still works, but it is gone!

If you don't hear from us in the next few weeks, perhaps it's because we're too weak to write. Someone should probably check on us.


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