Thursday, October 11, 2007


I'm spending the day with our film production group to edit the Beyond Abuse Seminar that we filmed on Saturday. We'll be inserting graphics and text and preparing it for final production. At some future point, we want to refine this, but for right now, this accomplishes a lot. Our goal is to have the final production ready for the seminars I'm doing at Martin United Methodist Church in Bedford, Texas. The director also felt that we could produce an audio CD of the seminar too. Projects like this one allow us to be in more than one place at one time.


At 5:28 PM, Blogger ChrisAn said...

Sallie, I have 2 brothers who have been abused as children by my sister's husband. My sister continues to remain committed to him despite her knowledge of their abuse. Neither my sister nor her husband have made any attempt to reach out to my brothers; they have had no contact with my 2 brothers. I believe your DVD would be greatly beneficial to my family as they struggle with the aftermath of their horror. I saw a copy of your seminar booklet COMMITTED TO FREEDOM, Dealing with the Weight of Childhood Abuse. My husband and I spent the weekend with my abused brother and his wife covering just the first one-and-one-half sessions. If the DVD isn't available please let me know if I could please have copies of this booklet for the price required. Thank you for your vital work.


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