Monday, September 03, 2007


When life is chaotic and tragic, I hope to / sometimes do just sit with it until I recalibrate and find my way. Both the ministry and me have been in a difficult season, lately. Difficult isn't good or bad, it just is. Life is always ebb and flow and so are the responses to that cycle. I respond in two ways, proactive (problem solving control freak) and reflective (sit down, calm down, listen). These two responses seem to feed off of each other and in the end, balance emerges.

I'm not sure this roller coaster ride is very thrilling for me. I feel much better when I reach the end of the ride and am safely exiting the coaster car! There's just not too much control any of us have over the ride. Personally, I close my eyes, have a knuckle white grip on the seat, and have my seat belt on pretty darn tight. I've noticed others who throw their hands up in the air, eyes wide open, joyfully squealing with all their might, and want to do it again and again. I'm working on keeping at least one eye open as the drop begins. That's progress, right?


At 6:14 PM, Blogger Tabitha Young said...


You have been on my heart and I am praying for you.

Love & Hugs,



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