Thursday, August 31, 2006

Effort Through Fatigue

Fatigue and stress have a remarkable impact on how your body and emotions work. I was extremely tired after our men's retreat for survivors of childhood abuse. When I am exhausted, I try to be a little kinder to myself, take some extra time if I can, quiet myself enough to listen. Yesterday, I hiked a familiar mountain trail with a friend, a trail I normally have no trouble walking, but I was tired and the walk was very difficult for me. I slowed my pace, but kept on going. The destination was a beautiful boulder that overlooks a valley. On that rock, taking in that view, feeling the blood push the fatigue around until it dissipated, and being still, I found new energy. God always meets me there, or I think it might be better put that I always meet God there - the experience of pushing through and beyond to pursue peace that Christ says is beyond understanding. The effort of spiritual renewal refreshes my body and emotions as well.


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