Wednesday, July 04, 2007

On the Road

I drove about 11 hours yesterday in very heavy interstate traffic. It was almost eventful when a woman decided to come over in my lane at the very same place where I was, but I skidded to the next lane without a collision. Remarkably, there wasn't a vehicle in that lane - remarkable because it was bumper to bumper traffic and we were all going about 70 mph. Other than than, it was just a long day. I stop to visit family for the next few days before I go on to NYC. As I drove and listened to music and news, I was struck with deep sadness over all that we, the people, have lost over the past few years. Driving gives you lots of time to think. Driving at such high speeds with so many people going in different directions, I just couldn't help but reflect on how much the gasoline that powered all of us costs our sons and daughters, and other nations' sons and daughters. It made me want to pull over and walk, but of course, I didn't. I'm as addicted to oil as the next guy. It seems like everything is broken, yet we keep using it, even when it's dysfunctional and wrong. Today is the 4th of July - and I pray that we, as American people, reflect long and hard about what it was we were supposed to be and look long and hard at what we've become.


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