Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I am in the middle of some big decisions that could impact the ministry's future. I am working very hard to stay still, to listen, and to not act until I hear something specific from God. It's an interesting, and difficult, place to remain. I am one who wants to think through to solutions, take the reins and get things rolling. I've learned through the years that I usually make a bigger mess, so I'm being still. It is something God taught me a long, long time ago. Fear is a ridiculous motivation for big decisions, at least for me. I get careless and panic when fear is driving me. I'm sitting with peace and listening for the whisper in a very dark cave.


At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can really relate Sallie. Thanks for sharing. Being still when I feel uncertain, anxious or unsettled, is so hard to do - but so important. It is so sweet to know that He is always there, ready to meet us in the soft silence of our day.

At 5:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waiting and listen is so hard but to find peace in the still times is more comfort than I ever knew. I used to see still as my enemy but have just of late grew to see it as my friend and the time God will chose to speak in than soft voice so sweet.

At 4:29 PM, Blogger Julie of Maryland said...

Yes, we do need to wait upon the Lord before rushing into anything. We need His peace that does pass all understanding.

Finally, the impulsive decisions are winding down. Still, no decision is still a decision. I am comforted in knowing, however, that even if I make the wrong decision, He is faithful and loves me.


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