Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Successful Cooking!

I am known for my terrible cooking. It is usually so bad it has become part of family folklore. But LAST NIGHT, last night I used a recipe!! I not only used it, I followed it exactly (well, almost exactly) and I cooked DELICIOUS fish!! We sat in shock at dinner. It was GOOD, REALLY GOOD! Wow, it's amazing what happens when you use the right ingredients and follow a path that others know is good!


At 6:30 AM, Blogger Anne said...

Amazing isn't it. Wait for the instructions, that is what I have heard all week. If a soldier you wouldn't go to war before you went through training so quite trying to do the work I put before you without waiting for the instructions. The recipe for life maybe. Isn't it just so amazing how he speaks the same thing to so many.


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