Wednesday, March 28, 2007

online groups

This past Monday, we began the third online discussion group using my book, The Uncaged Project. This group, like the others, is made up of people who attended a Committed to Freedom Retreat. The chat room technology allows us to connect, have meaningful discussions, support and encourage each other, and take the journey toward abuse recovery and healing together, even though we are dispersed throughout the US. The second online discussion group is about to close - we've gone through about 17 weeks together of growth and encouragement. The first group closed earlier this year, but remains a group - still meeting periodically in cyberspace to do what support groups do - support and encourage each other. This has been a remarkably rewarding experience for me and as we grow, I am excited to see how it continues to develop.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Green Puddles

Everything is covered with pollen right now. It's what makes Spring possible - new life, fruitfulness, flowers, butterflies, birds. It's also what causes unbelievable misery for people with allergies. I'm surrounded by red eyed, runny nose, swollen faced zombies who are almost incapacitated by pollen. It's beginning to sprinkle now and as the rain drops fall, the pollen from the air is collected and anchored to the ground. The puddles that form in my front yard are dusted with a brilliant green film. Hope from the zombies is falling from the clouds!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Higher Ground

My 3 year old grandson and I went walking up on one of our mountains in Hot Springs, Arkansas this weekend. It was a beautiful, warm day and there was lots of new life stirring. As he ran ahead of me on the trail, a tiny little snake scurried across our path and he freaked out. In a heartbeat, he had climbed up almost on top of my shoulders to get away and let me protect him. It was on the higher ground of his Grannie's shoulders that he felt safe - certain that I could protect him from the big bad snake that was about 10 inches long. Perspective is everything!

Sunday, March 25, 2007


I have to regulate how much I internalize stories in the news, friends in crisis, or circumstances that I absolutely have no control over. I woke up very, very early this morning just sad about the condition of this world - the suffering, hate, and violence. There's been an internalization of all the wars, warming, disease, and inhumanity in my soul right now. Balance will come, but my heart just hurts for all of us today - people, animals, and the planet. Be nice to each other today - just for me, OK?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mississippi Sunrise

I got a call at dawn from my son, a college student, who is on spring break. He was sitting on the Mississippi shore where the hurricane had devastated so much. The sun was rising over ship skeletons, shattered peers, and destroyed coastline. In the midst of that destruction, the beauty of the jagged rocks, the distant islands, and the coastal waters radiated the soft warm glow of the rising sun. He called just to share that moment with me. The sound of morning wind whipped across his phone and I could feel the breeze and see the sunrise through his words. Some days, life is beautiful, even in the midst of destruction.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Blizzard to Flowers

Friday night, I was struggling to walk in a New York City Blizzard. Monday, I landed in Arkansas to budding trees, lawns that need to be mowed, and thousands of flowers blooming everywhere! Boots to sandals, coat to t-shirt, the possibilities on this planet are vast and varied!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Brooklyn Tabernacle

I returned from NYC last night after a wonderful weekend with Brooklyn Tabernacle. I taught a portion of the Pastoral Care Seminar for their staff on Friday, just as the snow storm hit! It was a doozy of a storm too! After the seminar, I went with some friends into Manhattan and participated in a prayer vigil for peace. In the snow storm, we walked over a mile from church to church gathering people (sturdy people!!) for a time of prayer. It was supposed to be a candle light prayer walk, but there was NO WAY a candle flame could survive the wind. Coming back from Manhattan to Brooklyn near midnight, it was absolutely beautiful. There was no traffic and the snow seemed to envelop the city in a silence and tranquility.

On Sunday, I spoke at the 3:30 service and shared my story of childhood sexual abuse and where faith fits in. There were thousands of people there. The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sang a song I requested, "This is How It Feels To Be Free!" It was very, very meaningful to me. At the conclusion of my message, many, many people came forward for prayer. Then, a huge line formed of people who wanted to talk to me. As is true any time I teach or speak, I became profoundly aware of the privilege I have been given to be a point of contact for men and women who have similar experiences with Christ. My shoulders were soaked with tears and covered with make up. I heard story after story of abuse and pain. I also heard the sound of people connecting that pain to Christ's freedom and love.

Pastor Cymbala and his staff were gracious, kind hosts to me. I am grateful for the opportunity to share the journey beyond abuse with both the staff and the congregation. He invited me to come back in the near future to give further teaching on abuse recovery and the spiritual journey to wholeness.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

New York City

I arrived in NYC this afternoon. The flights were on time and my luggage wasnt' lost (a real miracle for me!). Snow is predicted here tomorrow. I teach a Pastoral Care Training Seminar tomorrow for the staff of Brooklyn Tabernacle and then hope to go to the Christian Witness for Peace prayer vigil in Greenich Village tomorrow night. Saturday is not only St. Patrick's day, but also the birthday of my good friend, Patty, who lives in NYC. Hopefully the weather won't be so bad that we can't find the St. Patrick's Day Parade here for her birthday celebration!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wasps and Spider

At our recent women's retreat, we were in the middle of our Saturday evening communion service when wasps invaded the room during worship. I was sure that someone was going to get nailed by them, but we diverted their attention and the wasps settled down when we dimmed the lights a bit. That was weird, but even more weird was the spider that dropped down from the ceiling to where we had the filled communion cups waiting to be served. This little spider hopped from cup to cup and then wove a web over the top of one!! I guess the critters wanted to celebrate Christ too!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Texas Retreat

Our women's retreat in Texas was so sacred and rich that I find myself struggling for the right language to explain it. Women from many different backgrounds came to the retreat with the same crushing history - abuse. During the retreat, the journey toward healing began. I was so overwhelmed with the realization that God continues to give us a front row seat to his wonder and work. I am truly privileged to be part of God's work in such a beautiful way. I am preparing right now for the trip to New York City in a few days. There is much to do, so prayer is always welcome!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


my wrist surgery was successful and now i just need everything to heal. i am doing great and in very little pain. i will not write here again until after the women's retreat in texas this weekend. please keep this in your prayers.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


I'm having surgery on my wrist tomorrow - outpatient. It's minor surgery but it comes at the beginning of a very busy couple of weeks. Next weekend is our women's retreat in Texas and then I fly to NYC for seminars and speaking. I do not anticipate any problems with the surgery except the time it will eat up and the tenderness that will be a bit challenging. I'm thankful that I can have this procedure.