Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Work in Texas

This past weekend in Texas was full and wonderful. My friend and board member, Sandy, worked very hard to bring our two seminars to Martin United Methodist Church in Bedford. I presented the Responsible Care Training seminar on Friday and the Beyond Abuse seminar on Saturday. There were a lot of therapists who came to both seminars. It was great to have our brand new DVD of the Beyond Abuse seminar available!

On Sunday, I spoke in two morning services at Martin UMC. The pastor, Bayard Pratt, is a wonderful man with great intelligence and insight. I truly loved the people of this congregation and their willingness to open their church to my seminars and my message. Sunday afternoon, Sandy and I drove to Denton and had a very significant meeting with a staff member of Denton Bible Church - a mega church pastored by Tommy Nelson (of whom I am a fan). We discussed what CTF offers and how we might partner to bring our healing tools to their programs and outreaches.

On Monday, I had a great meeting with Deacon Charlie of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas that pretty much went like the meeting I had at Denton Bible Church. They are looking at our seminars and support group programs using The Uncaged Project as a tool of outreach for those in their diocese who need our help.

I flew on Mesa Airlines, both ways! Sometimes flights have been cancelled at the last minute and I've needed to get in my car and "fly" to Dallas, but that didn't happen during this trip. Whew! Mesa is REAL flying - a tiny plane, cozy and intimate conversations with the pilots (no flight attendants), and everyone on the plane (all 10 of us) chat like we've been friends for years. The best part is that it flies in and out of Hot Springs, AR and the airport is only 5 minutes from my house! The flight returning home was almost an hour late and I was really exhausted, so a 5 minute drive after that was really, really nice!

When I got home, my husband had a beautiful beef stew and artisan bread waiting on me! Do I have a great husband! One more thing - I started grad school this week, so life is about to get really full!


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