Thursday, September 28, 2006


Our recent trip to NYC for the women's retreat brought many surprises. I am always surprised (maybe amazed is a better word) at the deep work that takes place as God's spirit gently moves. Being in NYC is synonymous with surprise just because of the shear numbers of people, traffic, and opportunities. But on our way home, we stopped for the night at a motel. My staff traveled with me on this trip, and as we were loading our car to leave in the morning, we saw the strangest thing. A clown! At first, we just saw large clown feet behind a red car. The clown was loading his suitcases too. We stared in disbelief as he rounded his car and there he was, in full clown regalia! There was no circus around. There were actually very few people staying there at that time. We shook our heads, smiling, and went to breakfast in the motel. Shortly after, the clown entered the breakfast room and seemed to make a bee line straight to us. What I haven't shared is that one of my staff is terrified by clowns, and my two year old grandson was also with us on the trip. Both my grandson and staff member were very nervous. This grown man, complete with wig, make up, clown clothes, and giant clown shoes pulled a balloon out of his pocket and made a balloon dog for my grandson. Then, he proceeded to toast his bagel, eat his breakfast, and drive away in his little red car. Life is beautiful!

Sunday, September 24, 2006


The first day of autumn was hot, humid, and very windy - a disappointment to my expectations of cooler, dryer days. Tornados and flooding happened throughout the region, but this morning, the air is cool, dry, and the blue sky is brilliant. Sometimes, I think I can feel Earth groaning as it twists it's axis around the sun to bring about change and season. Our swirling sphere nods in a new direction to invite transition and balance. The air is washed, the trees are purged, the animals make adjustments, and we mere mortals continue to throw the order of God's natural laws into chaos through our neglect, pollution, and abuse of the resources that have been entrusted to us. To correct global warming, I must correct me - to conscientiously care for what I can and to make certain that I do not squander myself, other people, this planet, or the beautiful connection I have with Creator.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

NYC Women's Retreat

I am on my way home from NYC where we had a women's retreat. The retreat was phenomenal. The journey to and from the retreat has been challenging. It seems as if I've been driving for years, when it's only been two weeks. I am ready to get home and re-group before our Dallas area retreat. In the meantime, I'm warmed by the experiences that I and those who attended had at the retreat. I think we will aim to have a men's retreat next year in the NYC area too. There is so much to do with the precious tools God has given us.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Ice Cream

The power of ice cream is remarkable. Especially when you combine it with a comforting friend and the feeling of being special. Yes, balance is the key to everything and we all know that too much ice cream is a bad thing, but that's not what I'm talking about. My toddler grandson was having a bad day, so my husband picked him up and took him for ice cream. I joined them later and found the two of them laughing, cuddling, and feeding each other dripping spoons of ice cream. I think it's important to nurture yourself, treat yourself, and laugh from time to time. It may be even more important to do this when you're having a bad day. Some of us don't have a comforting friend and we have to reach out to the Comfortor that God gave us. Cuddle up to the Holy Spirit's comfort and be nurtured there. Ice cream is not necessarily a part of receiving God's comfort, but it might be. Be kind to you today.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Be Nice

It would be a beautiful world, or at least a more beautiful world, if people were nice to each other. It's amazing how much damage can be done to a person who is not treated well. I am a very protective person, especially when it comes to children and vulnerable people. I am almost shocked by the intensity of my response when someone mishandles a vulnerable person - big or little. I guess that comes from being mishandled when I was a child. My grandchild was bitten by another child in school this week. This is the first time that we know of when another child was mean to him and I found myself wanting to protect him from meanness and ugliness in life, but I know that's not possible. I think the challenge for all of us is not to become mean in response to meanness. Be nice is a good philosophy to live by. Christ was a big fan of being nice and explained that it was an effective weapon against evil. I think he knows what he's talking about. The world is made better by love. Be nice today.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


My husband and I had the chance to get away this past weekend. We went to a quiry little town, a few hours from our home, that has lots of character. We ate, slept, sat out on the porch of our cabin,drank coffee, walked the streets, shopped, and just spent time together. On our way home, we stopped for a picnic in the mountains that was perfect. It was great and so needed. Rest is important. A change in routine is important. Nothing spectacular. No expensive travel. Just time away and time to reconnect with each other and with perspective. I think sometimes a walk at the end of the day can accomplish the same thing if we take advantage of its opportunity to change the ruts and remind ourselves of who we are, what's important, and listen for God's voice in the unspectacular.