I had a board meeting yesterday and we began discussion about the growth of Committed to Freedom. This has been a topic of lengthy dialogue for the past few years, but we were unsure as to how this could happen. One idea we've been introduced to is that of creating local Chapters that can host their own Committed to Freedom events - like retreats, seminars, and support groups. This seems to be very plausible and we're exploring that possibility - developing certification training for leaders and eventually shifting our focus to duplication and oversight. This is a huge undertaking, but one we believe that may be the key to responsible growth.
Ecuador Plans
I met with three Ecuadorean pastors last week in Memphis to begin work on our strategies for providing spiritual help to abuse survivors in that country. We discussed the best ways to train pastors, pastor's wives, and church leaders about the damage that comes from childhood abuse and how to help survivors with that damage. We also discussed the establishment of small support groups once this training is complete so that abuse survivors have a place to go for encouragement, information, and healing. The possibilities of conducting a larger seminar once these leaders, training and programs are ready was also discussed. I will be working closely with these pastors and local leaders in Ecuador as they decide how best to utilize the programs and training that we can offer to assist them in their ministries.
Dreams 2
Well, I wrote about nightmares several days ago. Last night I had a dream that seemed so real I knew I was awake. It was one of those flying dreams where you aren't tethered to the Earth by gravity. Flying - not falling. Nice. I was soaring through the air, thousands of feet above the ground. Doing loops and dives and climbs. Then three military transport planes joined me and we flew in circles and spirals. Little old me and three military transport planes just dancing in the air.
Yesterday was my birthday. I've had one of these each year for 53 years! It's interesting to review what I've amassed in all this time on Earth. Somethings are gone (the old gray mare she ain't what she used to be). Somethings are in full throttle - like knowledge and wisdom and love. I celebrated the day by working to make a difference and eating Mexican food with my family. All in all . . . a very nice day.
I went to Memphis yesterday to meet with a church that wants to work with me to get CTF into Ecuador. Like everywhere else in the world, sexual abuse is a huge problem there and a network of churches down there wants to offer help to victims. That's where I come in. Through a series of mutual relaitonships, the Memphis church found out about our ministry and wants to form a partnership. I go back next week to meet with the Ecuadorean pastor who heads up this network. After that, we'll determine the best way to go about putting this together. My two seminars are already translated into Spanish, so we're ready to go in that respect. I will possibly go to Ecuador in March or July or both.
When I first began my recovery from childhood abuse, I was plagued with horrible dreams. Through the years, those nightmares have diminished and it can be months between having them. Last night, I had two terrifying dreams that jolted me awake and kept me that way for about an hour each. I've learned that when these happen, I need to use the same tools I use when I'm awake. I start talking to myself - where am I? I'm in my room. Was that real or not? No, it was a bad dream. What was the theme of the dream? Being chased by someone/something and not being able to get away. What's going on in my life right now? I've got a lot of deadlines and projects that all need to be completed at once. Oh - now I get it. Then, I do what I always do. I pray. I pray for peace, I pray for sleep, I pray for perspective, and I pray for comfort. I have my prayer beads that I can hold in the dark. I sometimes turn on the light, I sometimes don't. The dreams aren't as frequent as they used to be. I have tools that I can use when I do have a nightmare. I look at that reality and know I've made a lot of progress.
It's COLD!!
We didn't have the ice and snow that so many parts of the country did, but it's COLD where I live!! I think the rain has finally slowed down, but it's COLD!! I was able to record a new Pod cast yesterday and write another chapter in my new book, so all in all, it was a productive day. One thing the rain and cold are good for is they keep me inside and a bit more focused on writing. I think it's important to maximize your life circumstances when you can. Sometimes, that means taking a nap when I'm tired or writing when I'm not. Sometimes it means drinking a cup of coffee when I feel like it and taking a walk when I don't! Life is filled with opportunities, I just need to see them for what they are sometimes.
Rain and Pain
My part of the US is being deluged with rain. I wonder if an ark might not be in order soon! Weather has an interesting effect on us. My husband loves cold wet weather! It almost makes him giddy. He secretly prays for blizzards because he loves the challenge of possible power outages, access of food, and travel. I wonder at times if he wasn't born 200 years too late! I, on the other hand, and become less fond of cold wet weather. While we don't have the ice that has paralyzed much of the
Midwest, we do have damp cold that penetrates my joints. My joints and muscles ache. I am already pretty weak because of arthritis, but this makes it much worse. When my environment causes more pain, I must think strategically and make arrangements to overcome it if I am still going to function.
Naked Man
I read an article yesterday about a man in Nagpur (India) who was paraded naked through the city streets for sexual abuse and exploitation of many people! Those he had violated were the ones who painted his face, put a rope around his neck and led him through the streets like an animal.
Hmmm - sometimes justice is poetic. I'm not an advocate of vigilante justice, but this just seemed too sweet. Kind of an "eye for an eye" type of justice.
Well, our funds have hit a new low. On paper and in reality, this is a crisis that threatens our organization's future. It's interesting what goes through my mind when these kinds of challenges are going on. I keep hearing God quiet my heart and mind. I wait as I work hard, knowing that once again we are on holy ground. Holy because this is where our efforts ends and God's begin.
Well, my day was spent at the hospital because my grandson (age 3) has a terrible case of stomach flu. Severely dehydrated, the doctor decided to keep him in the hospital through tomorrow. His little arm is in a splint and IV needles are in his arm. It's all to make him better, but it's very tough to watch him so miserable. We try to explain it to him, but it's difficult.
I have changed my schedule to give me better opportunities to complete several writing projects. Writing is a strange thing. It's a solitary thing that is difficult to point to as "productive" until the project is completely finished. The question, "how was your day?" is difficult to answer. A response like, "Oh! I found a new way of saying 'damaged!' and it changed the entire feel of one paragraph." or "I re-arranged the order of three words and put a semicolen where a comma was!" are met with sheepish grins to non-expressions. Anyway, I am deep in the throws of several huge writing projects. It's all in my mind and in my hard drive right now. Boring on the outside, but the end result will be
Yuck! I still have the flu. I never get sick and I've had the flu twice in the past three months! The impact of having to deal with this again and again is not to be underestimated. Rest, medicine, and lots of water go a long way, but so does NOT getting sick in the first place! Oh well, this is my reality and I have to find strategies to move through it and beyond it.
Happy New Year
Well, my year ended with my being sick - cold or flu or something. Anyway, I went to bed very early and slept in this morning very late - very unlike me. Today is a day of relaxing, renewing, and rethinking. I will spend today reflecting on what I learned in 2006 and what I want to accomplish as a spiritual, physical, and relational being. I encourage you to do the same.