This is only a test
Well, I've been having heart problems for awhile and before the year ran out I just finished being probed, tested, wired, and monitored. The good news is, I'm going to live. The bad news is that the bill will probably give me a heart attack! The heart condition I've had since I was a child is just aging along with me, so I need to watch what I eat,
exercise, get plenty of sleep, and relax! Wow! Who knew!? I'm trying to do this and that, along with beta blockers, should patch things up in no time. In the meantime, I'm trying to finish up a research paper for grad school by the end of the week and wrap up a few loose ends before Christmas. Breathing deeply, resting securely in God's enveloping and gracious peace.
This week is dedicated to cleaning and reorganizing, both at our office and at home. I have paced myself in a healthy way. I had done well with my class on Human Development, met the deadlines, and finally caught up from my time away due to a death in the family. In a few days family arrive for Christmas and my husband and I will host an open house on Christmas Eve for the residents, their families, and staff of Teen Challenge of Arkansas. It is an enormous amount of work, but one that my family has enjoyed for over 25 years. We'll serve about 150 people in small groups for about 8 hours. It's like a giant grazing food day for us. I will leave in a few hours to attend the wedding of a young man who is like my son.
Writing Maniac
I got some very good news that the book I wrote earlier this year, Connected Voices, has been picked up by a publisher! They want me to add a few more chapters and write questions at the end of each chapter for personal application, so I've got lots of writing to do! I'm also wrapping up my first quarter in grad school, and of course I've got lots of writing to do!
We're working on our 2008 calendar for seminars and retreats and I hope to have everything nailed down at loaded on our web site in the next few days. I've taken a bit of a
sabbatical from
podcasting due to schedule and technical problems. Hopefully, I'll get back into the recording room at the first of the year.
Soooo, as you can tell, I'll be a writing maniac for a long time. When I resurface after all of this, there will probably be a permanent dent in my body in the shape of a chair and my wrists will never be the same!
Catch Up
We've been playing catch up and it's been slow going. After returning from my sister in law's funeral and trying to emotionally regroup, we still have to wrap up all the loose ends from our NYC retreat trip. In addition, I had a research project due last week for grad school, and the professor kindly gave me a few days extension. Whew! I got that turned in yesterday, but now I'm still working a bit from behind for this week's work. I love it though.
We had our first follow up online group for the women who attended the NYC retreat on Tuesday. There were a few technical problems and our facilitator couldn't log on. Ah! Our machines fail us at the most inopportune times! Our men's online group begins tonight.
Thrown into all of this is a major home improvement project that's kept my house looking like a tornado hit it. (Not that it's that unusual, but furniture was in the kitchen and bathroom, so nuking dinner was a bit challenging, as was taking a shower!).